Newcastle United's Greatest Foreign XI

1. Striker: Mirandinha

Forget what The Smoggies tell everybody any chance they get, Mirandinha was the first Brazilian in English football. He pitched up at Gallowgate at a particularly bleak time for NUFC, and for English football in general, in the late 80s, and he added a little bit of flair at a time when Tyneside had very little idea what the word meant. What on earth was he thinking swapping suave Sao Paulo for muddy pitches across this green and pleasant (and bloody freezing) land? Had he been born a decade (or two) later, he€™d no doubt be a multimillionaire. But the fact that he put up with the arctic winds of the Toon, and led the line for a pretty awful Newcastle side, earns him a place on the team sheet. Which other foreign Newcastle legends deserve to be on this list? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

Tom Astley hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.