Page 5 - The Dark Knight Rises
8 Little Known Nuances In Tom Hardy’s Performance That Made Nolan’s Bane Awesome
The making of Bane.
10 Coolest Superhero Movie Scenes Ever
The moments that made us all punch the air in delight like fools.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is Right: The Dark Knight Rises Is "The Perfect Ending"
No comment on the Robin line.
15 Highest Grossing Movies Of The Decade: Ranked Worst To Best
Money doesn't always equal quality.
10 Creepy Similarities Between Nolan And Burton’s Batman Movies
Exploring the odd parallels between the Caped Crusader's most celebrated franchise iterations.…
10 Glaring Plot Holes You Didn't Realise The Movie Actually Solved
It's not a plot hole if the movie explains it.