Page 2 - War Films
10 War Movie Moments You'll Never Forget
"Super six-one is down, we've got a bird down in the city."
10 Great World War II Movies You've Probably Never Seen
There are countless WW2 classics, but some still slip beneath the radar.
10 Best Naval War Films You Need To See
Warring on the high seas makes for a thrilling movie-going experience.
10 Most Ambitious War Films Ever Made
How many extras does it take to make a war film? About 23,000!
10 War Films Where Everyone Survives
War movies are often notorious for their death counts. Here are some classics subverting that.
10 War Films That Dealt With The Consequences
The war films that depict the brutal consequences of war.
15 Great War Movies (Nobody Ever Talks About)
From Gulf War heists to time travelling in Dresden to beer-swilling pilots, to haunted…
20 War Movies EVERY Film Fan Should Have Seen
The epics, the classics, the propaganda pieces, the bitter satires, the psychedelic…