10 Star Trek Villains Who Were Actually Right

5. Ruafo

Admiral Pressman Star Trek TNG Pegasus
Paramount Pictures

Star Trek: Insurrection is the Next Generation-era film that is often overlooked. Both of its predecessors are stronger in terms of story and execution, while Nemesis is so often reviled that it earns discussion in that way. One of the greatest shame to come from this is the fading of F. Murray Abraham's Ruafo.

The S'ona are a fascinating species. They, with the rest of the Baku, discovered the regenerative properties of the planet in the Briar Patch, but they were unwilling to sacrifice all technology to enjoy it.

Ruafo's plan was simple: ally with the Federation, thus giving them liberty to operate in their territory, then harvest the planet's radiation. While the impetus for this plan may have been Ruafo's drive for revenge, the fact is that the plan to use that radiation to help billions of people - particularly during the Dominion War - can't be overlooked.

There were 600 Baku on the planet's surface. Patrick Stewart was quoted as saying that, were it his choice, he probably would have moved them. Ruafo's methods were indefensible, of course, but his inspiration could have saved the lives of countless citizens.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick