10 Star Trek Villains Who Were Actually Right

4. Khan (Into Darkness)

Admiral Pressman Star Trek TNG Pegasus

Khan Noonian Singh, played by Benedict Cumberbatch in Star Trek Into Darkness, was a far cry from the obsessed maniac who stole the USS Reliant. This Khan, while still holding on to that tendency to dominate everyone, seemed to be far more pragmatic.

He was discovered, floating in deep space with the rest of his crew, by Admiral Marcus. Revived, he was forced to work on a plan to build up Starfleet's armada, while also instigating Marcus's war with the Klingons. He was effectively woken from sleep and deposited into slavery.

To make matters worse, Marcus ensured his compliance by threatening the lives of his entire crew, thereby forcing Khan into action. From Khan's point of view, attacking Starfleet Headquarters made perfect sense, as it was they who attempted to subjugate him.

He was then betrayed by Kirk while aboard the Vengeance, before finally turning his full rage on Marcus. This Khan may have been a bit more brutal than the other iteration, but when one is pushed against the wall like that, there's certainly room for a discussion on the topic.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick