Star Trek: 10 WORST Holodeck Episodes

2. Booby Trap - The Next Generation

Fair Haven Star Trek Voyager Spirit Folk Holodeck

Booby Trap is an episode that was handled poorly during production and release, and the years that have passed have not been kind to it. It really is a shame because there are certainly strong parts to the story, but then we get the whole Geordi on the holodeck thing.

To be fair, LeVar Burton hated this storyline, and the subsequent episode Galaxy's Child. The issue lies in how the writers handled his relationship with Leah Brahms. In this episode, she was created to be an interface with whom he could work, enjoying a one to one with a 'person', instead of the off-screen voice of the main computer.

However, Leah is presented as something close to a slave, with amorous intent, and is shown stroking the back of Geordi's neck. This is the scientist who we are told designed the main engines on the Galaxy-class ship. Gosh, isn't it great she can have a career AND please a man?

It was not handled or presented well, which makes this an uncomfortable watch. In the follow up, when the real Dr. Brahms discovers this program, Geordi is shown getting angry at her for feeling that way, as opposed to facing the inappropriate actions themselves.

All things considered, neither episode are Star Trek's best.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick