10 Actors Who Had ONE Condition For Joining TV Shows

1. Lea Michele Wouldn't Scream On Set - Scream Queens

The Mandalorian Giancarlo Esposito

Glee's Lea Michele appeared on hit horror-comedy series Scream Queens as the first season's primary antagonist, Hester Ulrich, though the singer-songwriter-actress had one stipulation for taking the part - no screaming.

That's right, in a show literally called Scream Queens, Michele refused to perform screams on set, telling Women's Health that she did so in order to preserve her singing voice. She said:

"I refuse to scream on the show... I was there [on set] with Ariana Grande and we were like, 'We can't scream, this is our gift.'"

As a result, Michele simply mimed screaming during shooting, after which she agreed to get in a recording booth and record two screams for the show's creator Ryan Murphy, who then had to dub those two screams over any time Hester screamed throughout the series.

On one hand, Murphy clearly really wanted Michele for the role. On the other, it's baffling to even consider a part on a show where screaming is so integral to it if you're totally against that.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.