10 Actors Who Had ONE Condition For Joining TV Shows

9. Patrick Stewart Demanded A Three-Season Maximum - Star Trek: Picard

The Mandalorian Giancarlo Esposito

For many years, it seemed like we'd seen the very last of Patrick Stewart in the Star Trek universe, despite many rumblings of a possible sequel series to The Next Generation.

But then, Star Trek: Picard was announced in August 2018, and for anyone wondering quite how Stewart was coaxed back to play Jean-Luc Picard once again - beyond the obvious monetary allure, of course - he revealed as much in his recent memoir Making It So.

Now in fairness, Stewart actually had three requirements for the show to go ahead, but there was clearly one which took precedent over the others. 

Stewart insisted that Picard last for a maximum of three seasons, ensuring there was a ceiling placed on the show's scope before it even began filming. 

Given that Stewart was close to 80 years of age when shooting began, who could blame him not wanting to be locked into a decade-long commitment?

This was obviously granted, as Picard wrapped up after three seasons, even though Stewart hasn't ruled out reprising the Picard role in a limited capacity in future projects.

As for the other two conditions? He also demanded that the series not be entirely premised around a Next Generation reunion, and that Picard wouldn't serve in Starfleet or wear Starfleet uniforms, which were (mostly) adhered to.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.