10 Actors Who Had ONE Condition For Joining TV Shows

7. Walton Goggins Wouldn't Say The "N-Word" After The Pilot - Justified

The Mandalorian Giancarlo Esposito

It's basically impossible to imagine anyone but the great Walton Goggins playing criminal Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins) on Justified, but Goggins almost walked away from the project over one major creative misgiving.

Goggins, himself a southern American from Alabama, spent much of his earlier career playing cliched southerner characters in films and TV, and so wasn't much interested in playing another character who dabbled in stereotypes.

And so, Goggins told Justified creator Graham Yost that he wanted to add nuance to the character of Crowder - that is, making it abundantly clear to audiences from the start that Boyd is a criminal masquerading as a white supremacist for his own gain, rather than a genuine racist.

Moreover, the script originally called for Boyd to drop the "N-word" on the regular, but Goggins stipulated that he'd say it once in the pilot and never again if they wanted him on the show.

This was agreed to, and the rest is glorious history.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.