10 Actors Who Totally Transformed Themselves For TV Shows

5. Madeline Brewer - Orange Is The New Black

Lily James Pam and Tommy Rebecca

Given that Orange is the New Black takes place in a prison, it makes sense that the vast majority of the central cast members are "uglied up," their natural beauty being downplayed to make them more convincingly resemble weathered criminals, many of whom have drug problems.

According to the show's head makeup artist Michal Bigger, this involved using makeup to lessen the natural glow of the actors' skin, accentuating bags under their eyes, and making their skin look more pallid and less-healthy.

Most cast members also had their hair styled to look more haggard, and some of the actors portraying drug addicts wore dentures to indicate "meth mouth."

It's tough to pick out a single transformation that's truly impressive above all others, though it must surely go to Madeline Brewer, who played addict Tricia Miller on the show.

Off-set, Brewer cuts an incredibly striking presence, typically appearing in public and on other TV shows and movies with immaculately pristine hair and makeup, but as Tricia, her hair is styled in cornrows and her skin is made up to look decidedly more pale.

This has a terrific payoff in Tricia's flashback episode, where we see how she looks pre-prison and it's of course considerably closer to Brewer's real-life appearance.

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Pam & Tommy
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.