10 Adult Animated Comedies To Try After Bojack Horseman

9. Daria (1997)

Daria is set in the fictional suburban town of Lawndale and parodies the typical high school experience of middle-class America.

Daria herself is the embodiment of 90s counterculture. She's subdued, sarcastic and indignant towards a world around her that she cannot relate to. Whilst Daria's world is deliberately hyper-realised for comic effect, misfits everywhere will totally get it.

It's a show worth watching just for the main character's unique perspective on life, her grungy style and that unmistakable monotone delivery but it would be nothing without the cast of characters that surrounds her: friends, family and numerous caricatures of American stereotypes.

With a solid 5 seasons of critically acclaimed episodes, Daria should not be missed.


Christopher is a freelance pop culture writer, podcaster and self-confessed nerd from Scotland. He's also the owner, founder and editor at "The Head Scratcher" and a host of "The Scratch Cast" podcast. Visit www.theheadscratcher.com to find out more.