10 Adult Animated Comedies To Try After Bojack Horseman

8. Code Monkeys (2007)

Code Monkeys is a show about videogames that looks like a videogame and with a retro 8-bit aesthetic that will have a nostalgic appeal for some but may put some people off entirely.

Set in a fictional game development studio during the 1980s there are loads of pop culture references to pick up on, the humour is delightfully crude, lowbrow, geeky and often surreal and there are a tonne cameos from famous real-life game developers.

The sound effects, art style and music in Code Monkeys are all perfectly designed to suit the time period that is lovingly lampooned and fans of those old games will find it hard not to crack a goofy smile almost immediately.

There are two seasons out there for your viewing pleasure.


Christopher is a freelance pop culture writer, podcaster and self-confessed nerd from Scotland. He's also the owner, founder and editor at "The Head Scratcher" and a host of "The Scratch Cast" podcast. Visit www.theheadscratcher.com to find out more.