10 Adult Animated Comedies To Try After Bojack Horseman

7. Dilbert (1999)

Based on the comic strip of the same name, Dilbert follows the titular character as he navigates his life working as an electrical engineer for a large company. He's dumbfounded at the way the company is run on a daily basis and finds himself constantly frustrated at his lack of power to change things.

Anyone who has ever worked in an office environment will likely find something to relate to and share Dilberts frustrations. The humour is dry, witty and sarcastic and many of the characters are oblivious in their own stupidity despite Dilberts best efforts to point out the errors of their ways.

The show was cancelled after two seasons simply because nobody watched it but seek it out and you might be pleasantly surprised.


Christopher is a freelance pop culture writer, podcaster and self-confessed nerd from Scotland. He's also the owner, founder and editor at "The Head Scratcher" and a host of "The Scratch Cast" podcast. Visit www.theheadscratcher.com to find out more.