10 Amazing TV Cameos That Should've Happened (But Didn't)

1. George Clooney - Arrested Development

The fourth season of Arrested Development, for better or worse, was the long-awaited return of the Bluth family, and the writers tried their darndest to recapture the magic through what they had perfected in the first three seasons: cameos. Some of the best ones included Carl Weathers teaching Tobias how to act, Charlize Theron playing Michael's secretly handicapped girlfriend, and Amy Poehler as Gob's literal army wife. So when the show returned last year, they didn't spare any expense on new talent. In fact, rumor has it that Clooney was actually set to play a Mitt Romney-esque character during the fourth season, but this sadly never came to fruition. Instead, they parodied Herman Cain through Herbert Love, played by Terry Crews. Show creator Mitch Hurwitz wanted Clooney's Romney character to play into the plotline involving George Bluth's Mexican property. According to Hurwitz, several handsome men who call themselves the "Mexican Romneys" would chase George off of his property. He did go on to say that he'd still like to include the Romney thing later on during a possible fifth season or movie, but the chances are low. The timeliness of Mitt Romney jokes have been dwindling rapidly since the presidential election in 2012, so they'd probably refocus on someone like Chris Christie. Of course, Christie would have to lose quite a bit more weight in order to be played believably by Clooney, and I don't see the actor scoffing that many burgers to make it possible the other way round.

Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com