10 American Horror Story Fates Worse Than Death

8. Brought Back As A Zombie - Kyle Spencer

American Horror Story Murder House

Another victim from American Horror Story's third season, Kyle Spencer had a fairly terrible life - both before and after death. While living, he was habitually abused by his mother, forcing him to partake in incestuous acts that began to rot him from the inside out. Despite this, he was still a good person at heart and when he discovers what his teammates were doing to Madison Montgomery, he stops them.

This does not save his life from Madison's rage and she flips the bus that he and the team share. However, Zoe Benson pleads for his salvation, which Madison grants - to a degree.

Cobbling together body parts, they bring him back to 'life', forcing him to exist as a Zombie with a little more grasp on reality than a standard Romero ghoul. He returns home and bludgeons his mother to death with a trophy. He visits Misty Day, and she tries to help - but this triggers him and he rages through her home, causing her to cast him out.

Fiona Goode restores something of his old self, though he is left traumatized by he has been through. His life then becomes one of servitude, though he does manage to find love in Zoe. He is not free of his rages and kills more people, including Madison, meaning he may never truly be whole again.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick