10 American Horror Story Fates Worse Than Death

9. Pepper's Banishment

American Horror Story Murder House

Pepper, like Misty Day both after and before her, is one of the characters in American Horror Story who is truly good. Her worst crime is that she pesters people to play, even if they don't want to. The audience is introduced to her in American Horror Story: Asylum, and she is the first character to crossover between seasons.

She appears in Freak Show as well. Here, her story is revealed. She was raised, badly, in an orphanage before being saved by Frau Elsa. As part of the show, she grew very close to a man with similar attributes as herself, Salty. However, when Salty died, she grew despondant and no longer wished to perform, leading Elsa to leave her with her sister, Rita Gayheart.

This has tragic consequences. Rita resents Pepper's presence, though not nearly as much as her husband Larry does. Together, Rita and Larry concoct a plan to rid themselves of both Pepper and their deformed infant, Lucas. They stage his murder, and blame it on Pepper.

She is then condemned to Briarcliffe, where she is forced to remain until her eventual death. She is a victim of the evils of humanity, pure and simple.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick