10 Anime Fates Worse Than Death

5. Trapped In A Virtual World - Sailor Moon

Attack On Titan
Toei Animation

Many people like to think of this show as an overly bubbly and goofy series, and that's fair as plenty of the imagery and storylines followed such a direction. But, there were some genuinely dark moments throughout the happy go lucky series, and this was easily one of them.

Of all the Sailor Moon antagonists to defeat, The Witches 5 were amongst the easiest, mainly because they were subject to more infighting than an orc raiding party. For Mimete, this came to bite her in the back, as she tricked her way into getting the job of fellow witch Tellu.

After failing to defeat Sailor Moon with the Daimon U-Pasokon, she attempted to use the Witches Electric Warp to increase her size and power, projecting herself onto a massive TV screen. However, it was at that time Tellu reappeared having learned of Mimete's treachery, and delivered the awful news that if the plug was pulled while she was on the screen, she'd be trapped there forever.

Mimete naturally begs for mercy, but she gets none of it, as the power is removed and she's damned to an eternity of being trapped in the dark and empty expanses of cyberspace. Technically she still lives, but being stuck for eternity with nothing to do or see doesn't sound much like living.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!