10 Animes To Watch If You’ve Never Seen Anime

9. Free!

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

What anime list isn't complete without a great sports show.

Free! is a swimming anime that has great emotional depth and surprisingly lethal subplots. It gained a lot of popularity due to its often fan-service based scenes that started a whole generation of shippers.

Shippers, or someone who "ships" characters are essentially members of the community who romantically pair characters with one another. Free! picked up on this trend and fed it relentlessly to keep those "will they won't they" viewers on the edge of their seats.

Based on a light novel series called High Speed! the show is incredibly gripping to watch with surprisingly in-depth characters for a series predominantly about swimming.

Picture High School Musical levels of teenage rivalry and romance with a sports backdrop. It's fair to say that, in Free!, the story and the characters come before the actual swimming.

Instead, the swimming is used to evolve the characters outside of the traditional football or basketball setting.

The gorgeous animation used for each of the water scenes is so mesmerising it will make you want to break out the water wings and swimming trunks.

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Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.