10 Attractions That Need To Be In A Doctor Who Theme Park

10. The Simulator

So this one is kind of a given. Go to any Doctor Who attraction and you'll find it: the simulator. It comes in different forms, sometimes it's a TARDIS journey, other times you're helping the Doctor. There's one at the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff, it's hit various Doctor Who exhibitions throughout the UK and it's pretty much going to be a sure thing in any Doctor Who park. There's so much scope to work with on this one with 51 years worth of story to consider and characters to potentially include. The likelihood is it would always include the most recent Doctor and characters as well as incorporating the current storyline but it would change from time to time to get the previous Doctor's involved, too - now that would be amazing! The focus with any Doctor Who park would more than likely be heavily NuWho. NuWho makes a lot of money and most children nowadays are more into Nu than Classis. After all, it's what's on their TV's every weekend! To see the first three revived-series Doctors utilised for a simulation would be fantastic. It's unlikely that Eccleston is going to come out of the woodwork and show enthusiasm to work with Paramount and the BBC any time soon but Matt Smith and David Tennant? There's potential there, right? The icing on the cake though. Classic Who adventures. It's something that hasn't been done for recent Who attractions but it's an aspect that would attract a lot of fans, old and new alike. Make it happen Paramount. Make it happen.
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