10 Attractions That Need To Be In A Doctor Who Theme Park

7. A Dark Ride

A dark ride (being an indoor rollercoaster in the... well, dark) could be absolutely amazing for Doctor Who, There's already a strong rumour going round that a new themed dark ride opening at Thorpe Park in 2016 is going to be Doctor Who themed, although this hasn't been confirmed or denied by anybody yet. As the centrepiece of a BBC/Doctor Who themed park, however, it makes a lot of sense! Just look at the enemies that would fit right in with an indoor rollercoaster. There's the Weeping Angels, for starters, and then there's the Silence, who go without saying, really. Davros is kind of creepy, too, and would anybody really want to come across the Ood in a dark room, as docile as they may apparently be? It's like these characters were written for a dark ride. It could potentially be a bit scary, though, so would anybody be thinking of the children here? They could always close their eyes.
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