10 Attractions That Need To Be In A Doctor Who Theme Park

8. The Restaurant

Fish Fingers And Custard Still Well, moving on from the themed gift shop and you get, wait for it... the themed restaurant, of course! There are only a few of these utter delights dotted around the world, including the Pandorica in New York and Eddie's Diner in Cardiff Bay has a Doctor Who theme of sorts. There are a lot of Who-related meals to work with. Fish fingers and custard (maybe not with real fish fingers...), jelly babies (a jelly baby sundae?), jammy dodgers (a giant jammy dodger, or some form of ice-creamy jammy dodger delight?)... Wait, Ace ate a bacon sandwich that one time in Remembrance of the Daleks, so let's go with bacon sandwiches too! The restaurant itself could also be modelled on the Deep Breath restaurant - spleen, liver, lungs... delicious! Or maybe not. Probably safer to go with the more child-friendly options, after all. Blue TARDIS jelly, pizza toppings arranged in the shape of a Dalek, you get the gist. Again, this could prove to be quite an exciting venture for the park!
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Jade Dawson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.