10 Attractions That Need To Be In A Doctor Who Theme Park

3. The Playhouse

Something there is definitely a lot of scope for from the Doctor Who series is a playhouse type attraction, and not necessarily just for children. Think of all the alien worlds the Doctor visits, the weird situations he finds himself and his companions in, the bizarre backdrops and, back in the day, the low budget sets. Point in case, let's look to The Invisible Enemy (1977). At one point the Doctor, having caught a virus, clones himself and Leela, shrinks said clones and off they go for an exploration inside the Doctor himself. Now, back in the 70s they didn't quite have the effects used nowadays, nor was there the modern day budget allocation... But man, the Doctors insides sure look like some weird children's carnival playhouse! It was a premise that was most recently visited again in Into the Dalek. The effects and budget were a lot better but the idea was the same. Why not make a playhouse akin to these ideas? Failing that, there are so many other places to explore. Fans had the moon involved recently in the new series and there's a never ending supply of planets and alien homelands to potentially consider. It doesn't even have to link directly to a place in Doctor Who history, either, it could just be your typical playhouse with a timey-wimey theme. Once again, the possibilities are endless.
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