10 Attractions That Need To Be In A Doctor Who Theme Park

2. The Maze

Everybody loves a maze (ok, maybe not everybody...) - remember in In the Forest of Night when every inch of London was covered in greenery? How about a hedge maze based on this kind of thing? A hedge maze could really work. Picture it. The park-goer enters the maze, they walk around for a bit, not really sure where they're going, they turn a corner... Cyberman. Gotta run back the other way! They take a different route... dead end. But not just any dead end. A dead end guarded by a Skovox Blitzer! So they try again, this time they run into K-9... He's a kind little soul so he gives them some clues to try and help them find the exit, and so on and so forth. It would be a great way to utilise characters that otherwise haven't been included in the park and probable be the best maze there ever was too. Of course there'd need to be the standard platform in the centre to look out over the maze, maybe climbing up to the roof of a big TARDIS? Somebody get onto Paramount. A maze needs to happen.
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Doctor Who
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