10 Awesome Cyborgs in TV History

8. The Outer Limits "Demon With A Glass Hand" (1964)

As most fans of the original Outer Limits will agree, "Demon With a Glass Hand" is one of the two or three best episodes in the show's history. In this episode, alien soldiers are seeking the last human survivor of a future war, a man with a computerized glass hand. The man with the glass hand is also seeking a way to restore his missing glass fingers, which will allow the computer to help him save the rest of humanity. I feel I have to tell you that Trent (the guy with the glass hand) doesn't fully qualify to be in this article, but for those of you who haven't seen this episode I won't spoil the ending by telling you the reason. Regardless, I feel I needed to include him here because he's a great character who inspired a movie franchise. James Cameron once admitted he stole part of the idea for The Terminator from this episode of The Outer Limits. It was written by Harlan Ellison, who sued Cameron and part of the settlement resulted in Harlan Ellison being listed in the credits for The Terminator.
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Tim is a varied character. He's lived on three continents. He hates ice cream. He has been a highly-paid computer programmer. He invents collectible card games. He is a coffee shop owner. He has had fantasy stories published in magazines. Eventually he wishes to retire from life and become a professional 10-pin bowler who writes articles while living in his RV and traveling from bowling tournament to bowling tournament with his faithful wife in tow. And of course, Tim is a major horror and science fiction fan.