10 Awesome TV Shows You Could Be Binging On Right Now

3. Saved By The Bell

Yes, this is really on the list. Following the hijinks of Zack Morris from 8th grade through college, Saved By The Bell encompasses everything that was awesome and everything that was ridiculous about the 90's. From the giant floral blouses (like those pictured above) to the teased hair and ill-fitting pants, it will make you appreciate what you currently have in your closet. Once you ignore the fact that they can't all possibly have the same classes (especially if Jessie is so much smarter than everyone), that a large California high school appears to have only one hallway, and that Kelli and Jessie just kind of disappear for a while, the show is very entertaining. It covers all of your classic high school situations: school plays, school dances, starting a band, learning to drive, unrequited love, making fun of nerds who will one day sign your paychecks, caffeine pill addictions, and so much more! In all seriousness, this show is ridiculous. But the characters have stood the test of time, and so many former watchers have fond memories of the Bayside gang that the show will continue to remain a classic staple of its era. Re-watching (or watching for the first time) will be perhaps a mind numbing, but thoroughly enjoyable use of your time. Binging Advice: It may not sound like it, but this is something that's great to watch with friends on a low-key Saturday night. Just turn it into a drinking game! Take a drink every time they use the laugh track. Spoiler alert: it's way more often than you'd think. Seasons 1-6 available on Netflix.
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Jenny is an amateur writer and a professional procrastinator. She has perfected the art of passing off West Wing quotes as her own in every day conversation, and never talks to inanimate objects as if they are people. Well, almost never. Follow her on Twitter @jenny_rauch if you enjoy hearing about the current Chicago weather and/or what kind of coffee she is drinking.