10 Awful Characters From Otherwise Excellent TV Shows

8. Connor - Angel

Connor Angel If it wasn€™t for the fact that I have already cheated by counting Nikki and Paulo as one, I would have entered the entirety of season 4 of Angel in this list. That abomination of a season was the first time in my then young life that I watched a show that I loved and wondered if it was bad, and it was€ really bad. A big part of that was the character of Connor, Angel€™s son who was born, kidnapped and returned as a grown up in the previous season. His run in season 3 was a sign of what was to come; Connor enters the show as an emo, with daddy issues, who immediately proceeds to beat the living hell out of Angel. Connor was never meant to be one of the shows big bad villains, so why would you have him repeatedly beat up the hero of the show? I get the need to establish him as a bad arse but once is enough-neither Angel or Spike repeatedly got the better of Buffy and the show was better for it- she was the main character and the leader and she needed to be seen as such. By the time Angel finally got one up on Connor it only made you question why he didn€™t do it earlier. As season 4 began, things got progressively worse. Perhaps it was due to the fact that Joss Whedon was busy wrapping up Buffy, but Angel just didn€™t feel like itself anymore. Due to a boring storyline with Gunn, Fred has lost her kookiness, Wesley had become serious and competent and then there was Connor and Cordelia. Even though it turned out that Cordy was possessed, the fact that she carried on a relationship and conceived a child with the kid she acted as a mother too for the first few months of his life, was disgusting! He was brattish, depressing and now he was sleeping with the closest thing he ever had to a mother. To sum up, Angel spent a while in this season as his evil counterpart Angelus- for whatever reason Wesley, Gunn, Fred and Cordelia weren€™t acting like themselves anymore- and aside from a brief appearance from Faith, we were stuck with Lorne and Connor. I hate the season and more importantly I hate the character.
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A guy who is in too far to many geeky things then he would care to admit. A film, tv and gaming enthusiast he will maintain that Rocky III is an awesome movie until he draws his final breath. Embarrassing Fact- owns five different versions of Ocarina of Time