10 Bad Seasons Of Otherwise Great TV Shows

2. American Horror Story - Coven

Scrubs Season 9

The first season of American Horror Story was one of the craziest things on TV, with every episode being even more baffling than the one before. It went back and forth between being legitimately scary to being so downright bizarre you wondered how this ever made it on television. In that way, it was a pretty fun ride.

Season 2 wasn't nearly as bizarre or wacky, but it was still an effective stretch of episodes. But Season 3 was a big let down, a season that was just all over the place and far too goofy for its own good. 

The season sets up an interesting premise with the idea of the "supreme," and that one of these young witches will emerge as the next leader of the coven. But that quickly becomes muddled in a season full of flat characters being killed off and suddenly coming back to life, constant plot holes, and entire sections turning into a Stevie Nicks music video.

The season really didn't even try to be scary at any point unlike the first two, and above all it was just unfocused. What's the main plot here? Finding the next supreme? The conflict between the witches and Marie Laveau? The threat of the witch hunters? The writers can't decide, and as a result it's a messy season that's just all over the place.

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Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.