10 Most Badass Characters In TV History

3. Sawyer - Lost

There are a number of characters on Lost who could have laid claim to this spot: the show's central conflict between Jack and Locke offered its fair share of badass moments from both characters and, in Sayid, we had an Iraqi ex-soldier who liked to indulge in a spot of torture now and again. But, for sheer variety, the spoils have to go to Sawyer. Sawyer started out as the pragmatic, sarky criminal with a murky past and evolved into a true leader and one of the most beloved characters on the show. Josh Holloway's snarky southerner was always on hand with a quip or two to alleviate the tension, but he also got his hands dirty when he needed to. Take the brutal murder of Locke's father, a man who is revealed to be the cause of both Locke and Sawyer's suffering. Holloway is mesmerizing in the scene as he finally lets go of the demon that has been haunting him his entire life. So we know that Sawyer can handle himself in a scuffle, but the true mark of his power comes from his ability to outwit his enemies rather than out-punch them. After dealing with his backstory in season 3 there could have been a worry that the character had run his course, but by instilling him as the defacto leader of the 'Dharma Losties' we were given the chance to see him put his conman skills to better use. That also offered a number of badass moments including his meeting with Richard Alpert and the wonderful scene between him and Jack, as he explains why he will get them out of trouble by thinking, not fighting. Most Badass Moment Sawyer shows that he can hold a grudge in the season 3 finale when he comes face to face with Mr. Friendly/Tom/Zeke for the third, and final, time. After his entire team is wiped out, Tom realises he is beaten and promptly surrenders. Sawyer doesn't believe him and shoots him in the chest before delivering his most badass line - "That's for taking the kid off the raft." Awesome.

An opinionated gamer and movie lover. When not writing about Movies, Games and TV, I am usually watching/playing Movies, Games and TV and occasionally trying to be funny on stage. All published articles will be linked to my twitter so feel free to follow me @mark_woodrow