10 Banned Anime From Around The World (And Why)

4. High School DxD - New Zealand

Kite Anime

When you've been watching anime for a long time, it's easy to become desensitised to it. Still, taking a step back and looking at some shows makes it very clear that overly-sexualised characters are a real trope of the genre, and nothing says that more than High School DxD.

This anime falls under the "harem" genre, meaning it shows as a bevy of girls battle for the affections of the leading male character and is filled from top to bottom with gratuitous imagery. It certainly fits that category well, as this story about a boy who dies and joins the Devil faction is essentially an excuse to shove sex and action into one neat package.

The show has garnered tonnes of success and just as much controversy. One country that mainly took issue with it was New Zealand, as the characters young ages kicked up a storm and led to the country outright banning it.

The government claimed that High School DxD "encourages and legitimizes the pursuit of young persons as viable adult sexual partners". So, you can't be too shocked that it was banned.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!