10 Best "Everything You Know Is A Lie" Moments In Doctor Who

9. Time Is An Actual Living Thing (The Vanquishers)

Doctor Who Utopia Professor Yana the Master
BBC Studios

Doctor Who can get pretty detailed in its explanation of the space-time continuum. Equally, it can describe it as "wibbly-wobbly". There's no real consistency.

However, during the Flux story arc that made up NuWho's thirteenth series, it was revealed that all those past explanations of time were totally wrong.

The Doctor ends up on a planet called Time, the epicentre of the force throughout the universe. By the end of the series, she actually comes face-to-face with the thing she's been travelling through all these years - time itself!

Time first appears as Swarm, Flux's main villain, before eventually morphing into the Thirteenth Doctor. It's hardly the most inspired depiction, but regardless, this avatar of Time completely changes everything we thought we knew about the fourth dimension in Doctor Who.

Up to this point, it had been a natural force with no agenda of its own. Now, here it was - not only sentient, but able to communicate, to think, to feel.

Even the Doctor is surprised, commenting "I always wondered what time would look like", when it initially appears as a swirling mass of purple particles. And if the Doctor is surprised, then you know it's a big deal.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.