10 Best "Everything You Know Is A Lie" Moments In Doctor Who

8. The Time Lords Are Alive (The End Of Time)

Doctor Who Utopia Professor Yana the Master
BBC Studios

Like the War Doctor twist several years later, the reveal of the Time Lords in The End of Time changed Doctor Who forever. And while the War Doctor reveal loses points for literally just being some text on the screen, this reveal had some real meaty drama behind it.

Though we'd been led to believe that the Time Lords had perished in the Time War and that the Doctor was the last of them, David Tennant's final regular appearance as the Tenth Doctor saw his people return, in truly epic fashion.

Turns out that the Time Lords, the Daleks, and everything else in the Time War had been sealed inside a bubble of sorts. Then, after getting fed up of starring in galactic Groundhog Day, Lord President Rassilon had launched a plan to pull his planet out of the loop.

This plan involved the Master, the drums inside his head, and a special diamond, but the long and short of it is the Time Lords were several times more alive than we thought they were.

Everything we thought we knew about the Time War, Gallifrey, and the Time Lords themselves changed in this episode. Also, Timothy Dalton as Rassilon?! What a get.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.