10 Best Animated TV Shows Of The 1990s

7. The Ren & Stimpy Show

The Simpsons A Complete Guide To our Favorite Family

A very controversial and outrageous cartoon show at the time, the strength of the Ren and Stimpy show rooted back to the great juxtaposition presented through the titular characters. Ren Höek is the crazy, hot-heated Chihuahua, whilst Stimpy is the simple, easy-going cat. With such a comical pairing, they'll go on the wildest misadventures together, from outdoor explorations to working the most random of jobs.

However, one of the other biggest stand outs going for Ren and Stimpy is how the writers weren't afraid to be so brash with the visual imagery. The content is often violent and explosive, and much of the humour is based around gross-out gags, from vomiting to vermin.

Moreover, the animators knew how to keep up with the high-speed antics of the show as each character is striking and vivid, with some of the most memorable facial expressions ever put to a cartoon show.

It's understandable why The Ren and Stimpy Show wasn't to everyone's taste, but it can't be denied that it was a hugely influential show that broke new boundaries for its extreme illustrations and offbeat colour palette.

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Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid