10 Best Anime ONLY On Netflix
8. B: The Beginning

There's nothing like a good murder mystery, but one thing most mystery stories have trouble getting around is replay value. As great as Knives Out was, like all mystery stories, once you know what's going on, there isn't a ton of reasons to go back.
B: The Beginning's solution to this isn't perfect, per say, but it's a hell of a start: fill the show top to bottom with top notch fight scenes.
B: The Beginning is what you get when you mix the adrenaline pumping action of DBZ with the twisting mystery narrative of Death Note. At first glance that probably sounds like a complete mess, and sure that isn't an UNFAIR thing to say about B: The Beginning. But the characters are strong enough and the action exciting enough, that you want to keep watching anyway. And credit where it's due, the mystery will catch more than a few of you by surprise with a few of its twists.
If you think the best way to improve your average murder mystery is to have more scenes of the killer knocking over a train in such a way that the fallen train and the track beside it form his calling card, then this is the show for you.