10 Best Batman Beyond Episodes

6. Ascension

Batman Beyond Spellbinder
Warner Bros.

The episode where Batman discovers that Derek Powers, the man who killed his father, is also supervillain Blight is possibly the best example of how different Bruce Wayne and Terry McGinnis were as the Dark Knight. When McGinnis hears that he may be responsible for Blight’s condition because of an earlier attack, he’s pleased to have gotten such sweet revenge on the man who wronged him.

Bruce notices several times that Terry is too involved in this one, and eventually is proven right when Terry gets led into a trap by Powers’ son. The intrigue here comes from the ever changing dynamics. You have the standard Batman against bad guy, but there’s also friction between Bruce Wayne and Terry on how they should handle everything.

On top of that, you have Paxton Powers battling for his father’s approval while also plotting to betray him, Paxton leading Batman on and Derek himself against the more unhinged Blight persona.

As Paxton tries to kill his father, Batman realises that he could never break his code and kill, so ends up trying to save the man he despises. This one does the standard stuff well and adds some unique layers into the mix too.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)