10 Best Batman Beyond Episodes

5. Sneak Peek

Batman Beyond Spellbinder
Warner Bros.

Sneak Peek is an interesting episode as it tells its story more or less without a villain. We do find out that Peek murdered a scientist in the last five minutes of the show, but for the most part he’s more of an annoying antagonist than an out and out baddie.

Ian Peek is an investigative journalist, though he’s mainly focussed on celebrity scandal and gossip. He’s essentially Perez Hilton before Perez Hilton was a thing. In this episode though, he gets a much more serious scoop, finding a mob rat talking to the DA.

He’s able to get the footage he needs, but he sets off an alert on the way out, and Batman is called. Following a scuffle (which Batman loses due to Peek’s powers), he bugs the Batmobile and manages to find out not only that Terry is Batman, but that the mantle was also held by Bruce Wayne.

He threatens to reveal this information but his body reacts poorly to overusing the powers, and he asks Bruce for help. It’s great to see the old man back in action when they come to blows, and Peeks' ultimate fate of sinking to the Earth’s core is both unique and satisfying.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)