10 Best Buffy The Vampire Slayer Characters

6. Angel/Angelus

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Spike Buffy
Mutant Enemy

Angel – who appears in the opening episode of the show – is one of the most intriguing characters in Season 1. He’s confident, reserved, yet strangely mysterious.

Midway through the season, he’s revealed to be a vampire, but unlike the rest of his kind, Angel has a soul. He has a much clearer concept of right and wrong, and he uses his strength and experience to aid the Scooby Gang.

Yet his story really takes off in the second season. Angel’s romance with Buffy is torn apart when he loses his soul and transforms into his evil alter-ego – Angelus. From this point on, he becomes the primary antagonist of the season. He even murders Jenny Calendar by snapping her neck.

Though Angel does reclaim his soul in the finale, Buffy is forced to trap him inside Acathla's Dimension. This tragic scene is one of the most emotional moments in the show – the music and the performances are simply superb.

(Angel also features heavily in Season 3 and has some great moments in ‘Amends’, ‘Enemies’, and ‘The Prom’. But Season 2 is definitely the apex of his storyline.)

Thanks to David Boreanaz’s terrific performance, Angel and Angelus are both captivating. The former is one of the best heroes in the show, whilst the latter is one of the best villains.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.