10 Best Character Arcs In Buffy The Vampire Slayer & Angel

9. Fred Burkle

willow buffy the vampire slayer

Fred Burkle remains one of the Buffyverse's most sympathetic and endearing characters. She first turned up in Angel's second season, having been trapped in a demon dimension for five years and presumed dead back in the real world. She was saved by Angel, Cordelia and the gang, and brought back to L.A, where she struggled to adapt to her life back on earth.

Though at first she seemed out-of-place, and felt sidelined by the rest of the group, she soon learned how to help the team out with their heroic adventures. Intelligent, intuitive and wise, she quickly proved to be an invaluable member of the gang, and briefly dated Charles Gunn before falling in love with Wesley Wyndam-Pryce.

In the final season, Fred was put in charge of Wolfram & Hart's science division, and continued to prove her worth as a leader and hero. She formed a bond with Spike, and began dating Wesley, only to have her time cut short when her body was taken over by the ancient demon Illyria. Fred grew from shy and unsure to confident and heroic, and though she didn't make it to the show's end, she had one hell of a great journey.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.