10 Best Character Arcs In Shows Produced By Michael Schur

8. Pam Beesly – The Office

Dwight Schrute The Office

The Office has its fair share of soul-crushing moments and character backstories, but none as heartbreaking as that of Pam Beesly. Pam is a kind and quirky receptionist who has settled for a man more excited about jet skiing than her. While ending up in a fulfilling marriage, Pam ultimately becomes defined by her romantic relationships.

It’s revealed early in the show that Pam has a passion for drawing. She’s offered a graphic design opportunity through the company, but turns it down because of her engagement. When her relationship ends, she begins taking art classes. While receiving little encouragement or support, she still invites her co-workers to her exhibit at an art gallery. While a few people from work did come, Pam’s artwork was mostly unappreciated.

In a moment of bravery, she enrolls in art school in New York. After deciding against retaking the class, she flunks out and ends up back at Dunder Mifflin.

Even Pam's idealistic romance with Jim is complicated. Jim supported her at art school, but when it came time to support his passion she struggled and even questioned their marriage. Left behind to care for their children, Pam finds a way to finagle an office manager position. As the series closes, Pam decides to move away for Jim's business. It's the final example of Pam giving something up for her relationship. The audience hopes Pam gets a better life, but we never get to see her live up to her full potential.


Dominic is an aspiring writer from San Francisco. He likes dogs.