10 Best Community Characters Who Only Appeared In One Episode

7. Professor Cligoris

Kelly Cortlandt Community
Sony Pictures Television

It's hard to go wrong with Martin Starr. In the Season 3 episode Geography of Global Conflict, he appears as Professor Cligoris, a Greendale teacher whose obsession with Model UN drives his entire life to the point where they used to call him "Model UN Guy" back in college. (Don't research that.) He even carries a photo of the originator of Model UN, Clark M. Eichelberger, in a locket which he's worn since high school.

As Annie Edison and Annie Kim both start their UNs, Cligoris's dreams come true, with the professor devising the rules and officiating a Model UN battle royale.

Throughout the competition, it's easy to tell that he has the time of his life, and when Annie E's Model UN comes in with their Earth-2 strategy, he appears overjoyed with their creativity and this out-of-the-box usage of the Model UN, and happily gives them the win. May we all love something half as much as Professor Cligoris loves the Model UN.

Plus, his name...

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.