10 Best Daria Episodes

4. Road Worrier

Daria MTV

Season 1's Road Worrier can best be described as "Murphy's Law: The Episode," and it's a delightfully awkward ride (both literally and figuratively) from beginning to end.

This episode's contribution to the Daria mythos is twofold. For starters, it's the episode that established Daria's longstanding crush on Trent. It was also the first episode to prominently feature Trent as a key part of the narrative in general. He had made a few minor appearances earlier in season, but this was the first time we really got an idea as to what makes him tick.

Daria agrees to attend a music festival alongside Jane, Trent, and Trent's Mystik Spiral bandmate Jesse, with the four riding together in the band's van. However, what a smitten Daria thinks will make for some quality time with Trent soon turns into one embarrassment after the other, the only consolation being that Trent is mostly oblivious to the world around him.

The old adage of "it's the not the destination, it's the journey" rings true here (especially since none of the major characters actually end up making it to the concert). And that journey is one that is sure relatable to just about anyone who was a teenager at one point.

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A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.