10 Best Doctor Who Big Finish Releases

3. The Chimes Of Midnight

Doctor Who Big Finish
Big Finish

Amongst Big Finish listeners, ‘The Chimes of Midnight’ has become some-what of a Christmas tradition. From plum pudding to Edward Grove being alive, this absolute classic is essential for any Doctor Who fan. One of Paul McGann’s earliest stories, and at the time, he was still the current Doctor. Whilst most of his earliest works are terrific, ‘Chimes of Midnight’ is really where McGann becomes an outstanding Doctor. Over the course of his previous stories he has built on the enthusiasm and charm he had in his one onscreen adventure, but with an added darkness which really comes out in this story.

This story was also incredibly important to McGann’s companion, Charlotte Pollard, whom fans more colloquially know as Charley. India Fisher is marvellous playing the ‘Edwardian Adventuress’ and her and McGann have an instant rapport from the off, where the Doctor damages the Web of Time and saves her from the R101. The adventure this pair goes on is thrilling, and ‘The Chimes of Midnight’ is one of the most important in the arc.

The pairing of the Eighth Doctor and Charley is a relationship comparable to those in the RTD era. In terms of the timeline of the show, ‘The Chimes of Midnight’ is the preferred bridge between the classic series and the new. This creepy and clever festive tale is gorgeously written by Robert Sherman. Set in a spooky house, the story sets out some brilliant characters, who inexplicably die, before being found alive minutes later- and to find out where it goes, I wholeheartedly suggest you listen to it yourself.

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