10 Best Doctor Who Big Finish Releases

2. Davros

Doctor Who Big Finish
BBC / Big Finish

As previously mentioned, Colin Baker at Big Finish is far from his onscreen portrayal. Baker’s Doctor’s interactions with Davros in ‘Revelation of the Daleks’ is arguably that serial's best moments, so when it comes to Lance Parkin’s ‘Davros’, you are in for a treat. Whilst definitely a tad on the long side, the story’s duration allows for so much character development, especially for Davros, providing a lot of back story and explores a whole range of emotions that it will even tug on your heart strings.

This also marks Davros' first time on audio, with Terry Molloy reprising his role, and still to this day returns to the character with the company. Molloy really captures the whole range of the character, and with no baggage (in the form of the Daleks). This story is commanded by the interactions between Baker and Molloy. The building on Davros’ past leads nicely into his own spin-off series, ‘I, Davros’ which provides his back story from being a child to ending up the villain we know today.

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