10 Best Doctor Who Characters In One Scene Only

6. Adrian (The Caretaker)

Doctor Who The Woman Who Fell To Earth Salad Man

If you want to kick back and relax with a fun, breezy Doctor Who episode, then Series 8's The Caretaker is a really solid option.

A spiritual sequel to the Eleventh Doctor episodes The Lodger and Closing Time (which were also penned by Gareth Roberts), this is another "fish out of water" storyline in which the Twelfth Doctor attempts to blend in with ordinary human society... really poorly. Sorry Doc, but you're just too weird for that.

The Doctor's alien-ness (and lack of social skills) creates tons of laughs throughout, but one of the biggest is a scene in which the Doctor mistakes Clara's friend (and fellow teacher) Adrian for her boyfriend.

Casting director Andy Pryor and costume designer Howard Burden did a magnificent job with actor Edward Harrison in this scene. The whole gag is that Adrian resembles the dashing Eleventh Doctor (which is why the Twelfth Doctor assumes that he and Clara are dating), and instantly - without a shoehorned-in line of dialogue where one of the characters explains the joke - the audience just gets it. Add in Capaldi's hilarious performance, and it's impossible not to smile.

Though Adrian does briefly return during the parents evening scene, it's such a nothing moment that it may as well not be counted. So we ain't counting it! The entire purpose of his character is for this Eleventh Doctor joke anyway, so from that angle, he's very much a one-scene wonder.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.