10 Best Entry Points For Star Trek Newcomers

1. Lost And Found

Star Trek 2009 Richard Robau
CBS Media Ventures

For the new viewer, there really is no better place to start Star Trek than with the opening episode of Star Trek: Prodigy. This show was designed be an introduction for those who had never seen a frame, while also delivering on the promise of almost sixty years of history. It manages to create a mystery within its opening episode that is fascinating, a little alarming, and deeply satisfying when the Protostar is revealed.

It is perhaps best to go into Prodigy without any of the behind-the-scenes knowledge of the clusterf*ck that happened with its release, cancellation, and resurrection. It is a show that has survived adversity but more importantly it is a show that delivers on its promise of bringing a new generation of viewers to Star Trek. All of the ingredients are there, whether a new viewer knows it or not. You have mystery, you have new characters who are engaging, you have visuals that are as beautiful as anything offered on-screen at the moment - you have a stunning piece of art that is also light enough to pick up with no effort.

Star Trek: Prodigy was designed to be a new way in for those who wanted to join the Trek fandom. It succeeds, it excels, and through Prodigy, one will soon be boldly going. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick