10 Best Entry Points For Star Trek Newcomers

5. Scorpion, Pt 1

Star Trek 2009 Richard Robau
CBS Media Ventures

It may seem like an odd choice to pick a season finale - the third season of Star Trek: Voyager no less - for an entry point, but Scorpion, pt 1 has it all. If one were familiar with the Borg, then it is compelling. If one were unfamiliar with the Borg, then it is compelling. It was and remains one of the best season finales in Trek, even if it does owe a lot to the episodes that came before.

There is enough exposition to help the new viewer through some of the lore-dense parts of the story. The threat that the Borg pose is great enough but that cold open is sure to grab anyone's attention from the opening frame. If one had no idea what a Borg Cube was, they would still be intrigued by seeing two get blown out of the sky.

It is also crucial for character development. Janeway and Chakotay, between both parts of the episode, are at once engaging, often times frustrating, and equally matched in wits as they tackle the question of whether to make a deal with the Devil. For those coming in fresh, the episode invites them to do a deep dive through the franchise - who are the Borg? What do they mean to Star Trek, and why is it such a big deal that they get so easily defeated here?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick