10 Best Football TV Series To Stream While The Season Is On Hiatus

2. This Is Football

this is football amazon
Amazon Prime

Available on: Amazon Prime

Some football docuseries embed themselves closely with one team across a single season. Amazon's This Is Football paints with a much broader canvas.

As the likes of Planet Earth and Blue Planet do for the natural world, so does this series for football. Like them, it uses a sequence of snapshots from the far corners of the globe to build up a picture of the infinity variety of its subject. In fact, it might just as well be called Planet Football.

Beginning with the story of how a Liverpool fan club has helped survivors of the Rwandan genocide to find a new community and family and concluding with an analysis of the unparalleled genius of Lionel Messi, This Is Football takes in the sport at all levels and places. Along the way it looks at rooftop football in China, slum games in India and Iceland's journey from part-timers to the smallest country to compete at a World Cup finals.

In this football-free time, this is a series to help you appreciate the true extent of the game's impact and how important its stories are in the lives of people across the globe.

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