10 Best Gotham Episodes

9. The Son Of Gotham

I spy with my little eye something that begins with Bat and ends in Man.

Staging a fake kidnap of Silver St.Cloud as well as himself gives the viewer a definitive glimpse of who Bruce grows up to be, and it's so exciting to watch, a clear display of his intelligence. The reveal at the end of the episode that it all was a ruse to find out information regarding his parents' killer was genius.

This scene, in particular, was one of the more enjoyable in the series, and the look on Silver's face when she finally realised that Bruce had been playing her was so satisfying, especially since she thought she had the upper hand. The fact that Bruce had Selina Kyle in on his plan adds a nice little twist, and it shows how much trust Bruce has developed for the sneaky feline.

The Son of Gotham also hosted one of the most interesting matchups in the show, between Tabitha Galavan and Alfred Pennyworth. It flaunted how much of a straight-up badass Alfred is, and being a butler only adds to the charm.

It's about time that Alfred was shown to be much more than Bruce Wayne's butler, and Gotham does that so well, especially since he is matched with one of the fiercest fighters in the whole show.

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Batman Gotham
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Emma Tucker hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.