10 Best Halloween Themed TV Episodes You Have To See

7. Halloween - Modern Family

The Simpsons Treehouse Of horror the shining

A lot of shows' Halloween episodes feature characters who are only reluctantly into the holiday because it's something to do, or maybe they throw on a costume at work because everyone else is, but on Modern Family, the Dunphys are freaking obsessed with Halloween. Right from the cold open, Claire and Phil pull a prank on Luke where she pretends to cut her hand off, and things only get more delightfully spooky from there.

Most of the episode revolves around the Dunphys turning their home into a massive haunted house for their friends and neighbors, and they're probably the only sitcom family that gets more into Halloween than they do Christmas. By the end, the house is absolutely covered in spiders, cobwebs, and skeletons, and all of the characters go around scaring their guests. The B-plot is something a lot of people can relate to: starting a new job and not knowing if employees there dress up for Halloween. Mitchell is told that everyone at his new office dresses up, only to discover that they actually hate it and he's one of the only people in costume.

It's as funny as Modern Family can be, and it has what's for sure the most well decorated house ever in a sitcom, making for one of the great comedy episodes to revisit this time of year.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.