10 Best Jobs Homer Simpson Has Ever Had

10. Bowling Alley Attendant

Homer Simpson Sanitation Commissioner

Homer’s had some wacky, far out jobs in his time, but nothing seemed to make him happier than his time at the Bowlarama. It wasn’t a particularly skilled or high paying job, but he certainly loved it, and was loved by the people around him.

He has this job in And Maggie Makes Three, a flashback episode which details how Maggie was born. He initially quits his job at the plant spectacularly, and almost immediately finds solace at the Bowlarama.

It’s not a job crammed with zany antics or set pieces; it’s just a really nice job. Homer might get more laughs from the audience elsewhere, but it’s great to see him happy.

Homer is forced to ask for a raise with Maggie on the way, and although the boss appreciates him, won’t get one with business the way it is. This leads to Homer trying to promote business with a shotgun, which obviously backfires.

He’s forced to grovel and return to Mr Burns, where he’s given the plague (sorry, plaque) to remind him: don’t forget, you’re here forever’.

This turns into one of the show’s sweetest ever moments as Homer covers the plaque with pictures of Maggie so it reads: do it for her.

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The Simpsons
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)