10 Best League Of Gentlemen Characters

1. Pauline Campbell-Jones

I mentioned at the beginning of this list about how characters in The League of Gentlemen only ever worked if more than one person in the sketch was a 'straight-man'/normal person. And that argument couldn't be more obvious than with the worst recruitment officer in television history.

Of all the absurd characters Steve Pemberton played in the series, his most engaging and by far the most electrifying character was Pauline Campbell-Jones. The smouldering, bulldog expression, coupled with a twitching jaw whenever her authority was challenged (typically by Ross) made for instant laughs. And when Pauline's violent side came out, it was the most shocking and dastardly funny of scenes.

The psychopathic Job Centre Restart Officer was a bullying monster of a human being, made all the more hilarious by her unique obsession with pens, her resentment for the "Dole Scum" she is charged with helping, and her sporadic chemistry with both Ross and Mickey "Mickey Love" Michaels.

Of course, Pauline was nothing without Mickey and Ross - and with Shearsmith and Gatiss finding their places to contrast Pauline's psychosis with stoic level-headedness and naive simplicity, the three of them combined made some of the best moments in League of Gentlemen history.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!